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Enjoy a dream stay in the Viceroy Laserna palace.


Staying in Viceroy Laserna Palace is an unforgettable experience. You will be in the heart of the palace atmosphere enjoying these private prestigious rooms filled of history and heritage…


You will be warmly welcomed by the Marquis himself! He will open the doors of these unique places especially for you in order to share a beautiful tradition: the Andalusian-style art of living.

You can book through the booking engine below in this same page. You can also contact us by phone (+34) 956 34 87 94 or (+34) 677 44 60 69.

The entrance is at 8, Pozuelo st.  Jerez de la Frontera

Check-in is from13:00 to 22:00. Check-in after 22:00 has a charge of 25€. Limit time is 01:00.

Rooms must be released at 12:00. You can ask for late check-out. We allow 20 minutes of courtesy, but due to the limitation of the working hours of our cleaning service, if the guesta has not vacated their belongings at the indicated time without having been granted late check-out, the Palace staff will be authorised to proceed to vacate them.

Confirmation of the booking means that the guest has read and accepted the accommodation rules set out on our website.

Arrival: Departure: