Practical information — Palacio del Virrey Laserna

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Practical information

Practical information

Jerez de la Frontera

Jerez is a stately city whose historic center is of Cultural Interest. You must explore this monumental ensemble, stroll through its streets, discover its corners and enter into its churches and buildings that keep evidence of past glory and nobility. You should also enjoy, with a glass of sherry in hand, the local cuisine on the terraces of its restaurants. You must see the majestic Cathedral, the Gonzalez-Byass wineries, the Arab Alcazar and the Villacencio Palace located inside, with its interesting dark room, the impressive Viceroy Laserna Palace, the church of San Miguel, with its magnificent altarpiece by Martinez Montañes, the Plaza de la Asuncion with the old town hall in Renaissance style and the spectacular lookout tower next to the church of San Dionisio, the oldest in the city. Its important historical heritage, together with the strong identity of the city signs (wine / brandy, flamenco, bulls and horses), the joy of his people, the attraction of its celebrations, like the horse fair and the vintage feast, as well as other events such as the World Motorbike Championship, has exponentially increased tourism in the city in recent years. Jerez is a friendly, lively city with first-class services and great tourist attraction that surprises and captivates all those who come for the first time making them to always want to return.


There are several public car parks in the area.
 Nearby the Palace the closest ones are the one in Plaza del Arenal and the one in Alameda Vieja, next to the Alcazar de Jerez.
 Please find where they are in the map below:


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